This boy was drawing something on the floor. When you look at his art, it will left you speechless!

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We complain about too many things in our daily lives. Probably because we’ve been lucky enough to be born to parents who could shower love upon us, care for us, feed us and take care of our desires and needs. But it never strikes us that there are little kids out there who yearn for that love everyday.

Nothing can portray that better than this short film. This film was made in India at Shishu Mandir, inspired by a true incident that had happened. This adorable young boy is playing by himself when he finds sidewalk chalk. He cheerfully takes it outside and begins to sketch something.

When the cameras focus on his drawing, you will be left speechless.

Wow. Every child deserves love and protection. A family to become a part of. If you agree, share this video with your friends online.

Credit: nvnkmr

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This boy was drawing something on the floor. When you look at his art, it will left you speechless!

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