Woman escapes duct tape with this easy trick. You must watch this. It could save your life!

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I hope that no one is ever to have to put into practice a trick like this one, but it’s always best to know! Because self-defense is one of those things you need to take seriously. In this video this woman shows how you can escape in a few seconds if someone has tied your hands with duct tape with just one quick move. Duct tape seems like virtually impossible to break if you try to stretch it, but you can break it easily with raising your arms behind your head and lowering them with all the energy possible to unleash a huge force.

Make sure to pay attention as it might save your life one day. We do hope it won’t be necessary. Stay safe and share this with your family!

Credit: HunterXHunter1

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Woman escapes duct tape with this easy trick. You must watch this. It could save your life!

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