18 Reasons Why Having Butter Chicken Is Absolutely Better Than Having A Boyfriend

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All girls just dream about having a handsome and caring boyfriend. Well, boyfriends are great blah blah blah and all that… But sometimes you just want something comforting in your life, like Butter Chicken. Unlike a boyfriend you can rely on it 100% of the time.

Butter Chicken or a boyfriend — if a female had to choose one, it would really be quite the toss-up. But we know for sure that having Butter Chicken is better than having a boyfriend at any given day. Here’s a list of reasons that explains the WHY!

1. You don’t have to get shower and dressed up to meet butter chicken.

You don't have to get shower and dressed up to meet butter chickenimage source: giphy.com

2. It will never say you look fat. EVER!

It will never say you look fat. EVER!image source: instagram.com

3. Butter chicken would never hit on your hot friends.

Butter chicken would never hit on your hot friendsimage source: instagram.com

4. Butter chicken would never make a comment about your new shoes.

Butter chicken would never make a comment about your new shoesimage source: instagram.com

5. Butter chicken wouldn’t make you watch a crappy, pretentious movie.

Butter chicken wouldn't make you watch a crappy, pretentious movieimage source: foodieadamcookieeve.com

6. You don’t have to pretend to like his new friend.

You don't have to pretend to like his new friendimage source: instagram.com

7. Butter chicken will not make you attend unnecessary party.

Butter chicken will not make you attend unnecessary partyimage source: tangerineresorts.com

8. It won’t emotionally blackmail you.

It won't emotionally blackmail youimage source: privilegetrs.com

9. You don’t have to wear heels or formal shoes to get some chicken.

You don't have to wear heels or formal shoes to get some chickenimage source: instagram.com

10. Butter chicken never gives you a hangover.

Butter chicken never gives you a hangoverimage source: instagram.com

11. You don’t have to make small talk with it.

You don't have to make small talk with itimage source: instagram.com

12. Butter chicken will never lecture you on future or career.

Butter chicken will never lecture you on future or careerimage source: hdimagelib.com

13. You never have to be in a room while it’s fighting with its parents.

You never have to be in a room while it's fighting with its parents

14. You don’t have to spend half your monthly salary on it.

You don't have to spend half your monthly salary on itimage source: instagram.com

15. Butter chicken won’t annoy you with loud pop music.

Butter chicken won't annoy you with loud pop musicimage source: instagram.com

16. It doesn’t ever want to talk about its ex over and over again.

It doesn't ever want to talk about its ex over and over again

17. It will be there for you when you needed it most.

It will be there for you when you needed it mostimage source: instagram.com

18. Butter chicken hearts you no matter what.

Butter chicken hearts you no matter whatimage source: instagram.com

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