A proud rapist talks about his raping stints to a lady doctor. Gets the biggest shock of his life

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Have you ever wondered what goes through the mind of a rapist? How a proud rapist can justify his actions? Why rapists believe they’ll never get caught?

The worst part of the story is that most of the people accused of rape are almost always let off for some reason or the other. Some don’t have proper evidence against them, some bribe their way out, and some are politically backed up. But either way, the end result is that they get away, and each time they do, it only makes them stronger and prouder of their acts.

In this short video, a conversation between a rapist and a female doctor reveals the mentality and social structure that allows rapists to get away with their crimes. The video, which was published by PuraniDiliTalkies, shows a rapist bragging in the hospital about his evil deeds, having just gotten roughed up for raping a minor. He tells the doctor – with a cocky, entitled attitude – why he’s not to blame and why society will protect him. That is, until he receives a shocking dose of karma. Watch what happened:

Credit: PuraniDiliTalkies

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A proud rapist talks about his raping stints to a lady doctor. Gets the biggest shock of his life

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