A Girl Asks Youngsters About Their Favourite Sex Position. Answers Will Leave You Stunned!

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Indians are pretty shy when it comes to discussing about sex but there’s no doubt we love it. Love making is one of the biggest assets of Indian culture and Kamasutra is the biggest proof. And of course we are after all the second most populous nation in the world. Also, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. So this girl went around asking youngsters what their favourite sex positions are and the responses they got will definitely crack you up.

if you thought missionary was the only way Indians got action, this video will prove you oh so wrong! And, we must say, it is definitely good to see people talking about sex so openly and not being embarrassed about it at all.

Credit: Fame Fashion

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A Girl Asks Youngsters About Their Favourite Sex Position. Answers Will Leave You Stunned!

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