If your girlfriend is arguing with you, this is exactly how you can make her shut up!

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As we all know when it comes to girls, most of them are non stop speakers. Whether she is your sarcastic little sister, loud-talking girlfriend or a chatterbox pal, you are terribly annoyed by such a girl in your life. Unless you say something about her irritating ways, the relationship you have with her will be in jeopardy soon. Telling her to stop the nagging or shut up will not do any good. Well, thanks to technology now you can make them shut up within a second.

This hilarious video by Zaid AliT will show you exactly how to shut your girlfriend up without even asking or ruining your friendship/relationship with them. So, next time if you have someone around you who speaks alot, this trick might work for you as well.

Credit: Zaid AliT

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If your girlfriend is arguing with you, this is exactly how you can make her shut up!

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